Formerly 30 years in Wolfville - Now In Hubbards, Nova Scotia           902 857-9250

Works by Steven Rhude

Steven Rhude lives and works in the town of Wolfville, Nova Scotia. He received his formal art education at the Ontario College of Art and graduated with honours in 1983. Steven is more than a painter of pictures depicting Maritime life.

He is a visual documentarian depicting how his Maritime subjects fit into a larger context. The resulting images are immediately accessible, colourful and sometimes humorous. They also reveal deeper meanings about the truths of coastal culture. His paintings pay homage to the daily lives of those who persist in maintaining a rural way of life despite a larger society which is pervaded by urban values.

These quality reproduction prints are available for purchase in our studio from $100. each.

For more information please visit Steven’s website:
or Email Steven at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Customer Stories

I just wanted to let you know that it’s been great working with you. I appreciate all your help and suggestions with the framing and placement of my pictures. I’m thrilled with the results. You’re amazing!

Patricia Steene

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