Formerly 30 years in Wolfville - Now In Hubbards, Nova Scotia           902 857-9250

You can custom frame cross stitch, canvas, needlepoint, embroidery, crewel, latch-hook, tapestry, weaving, silk, crochet work and more. We know how to handle different fabrics and frame them so that they look great and last for a long, long time. Bring your textiles in for a picture framing consultation today!

Needlework framing tips:
  • Always stretch and lace or pin needlework to an archival board before framing. Never glue it down or use sticky board, if you want it to last!
  • Even though glass is often considered optional, it really does protect the needlework the best if you have glass on it. Most of our examples to the right have True-Vue UV on them, which you can see (or can’t see?) does not reflect much at all. It is a great option for the clearest view, and really minimizes reflections.
  • Mats on needlework should be made out of archival materials like cotton or high alpha cellulose. Cheap matboard can be very destructive over time because as it ages, it releases acid that makes fabric brittle and brown. Good mats are a necessity, not a splurge!
  • Adequate air space is necessary between the face of the needlework and the glass. Spacers or mats need to be used so that the glass does not contact the work, which can cause mildew and moisture damage when temperatures change.
  • A good framer will do all of the above for you! They can also help you choose the best colors, styles and proportions of framing to really show off your textiles and needlepoint. Invest in your needle craft and enjoy the results with a really great picture frame.
  • Cross stitch, embroidery, petit-point and most needlework takes hours, days, and months to complete! The last thing you want to do is throw all of that effort into a slap it together frame. We are here to help you frame it to last a lifetime or more.

Come by The Perfect Corner for your free consultation today!

Studio Hours

Mon-Tue By Appointment
Wed-Fri      10:30 AM - 5 PM
Sat 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM
other hours may be available
by chance or appointment

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Customer Stories

Thanks so much for your excellent advice and outstanding work in framing our pieces. Your attention to detail and appreciation of the artwork is much appreciated and is reflected in the quality of your work.

Susan Shaw, Wolfville